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Carolita Blythe

Published Writer | Film &TV Script supervisor | Director


Born in Kingston, Jamaica, Carolita moved with her family to Brooklyn, New York at the age of five. Her novel Revenge of A Not-So- Prety Girl is told ther though the witty, sarcastic voice of fourteen-year-old Faye Andrews.Published by Random House/Delacore Press, among it’s many praises, Revenge of A Not-So-Prety Girl earned a starred recommendation from Kirkus Reviews, one of America’s most distinguished and toughtest book review magazines: “Solidly grounded in the gritty realities of daily life, this exhilarating, generous-hearted tale with a smart, funny, caustically observant protagonist is about so much more than revenge: distinguishing what matters from what doesn’t, taking risks, making mistakes and paying for them.”


Carolita’s first novel, The Cricket’s Serenade, published in 2006 by Genesis Press, deals with unchecked ambition, race, class differences and urequited love against the backdrop of the turbulent politics of Kingston, Jamaica in the late nineteen seventies.


 She has recently completed the manuscript for her third novel, which is set entirely in her adopted city of Los Angeles, California. 


When not writing novels, Carolita works behind the scenes on television shows.  She spends her summers worshipping the New York Yankees and her winters waiting for baseball season to come back around so she can continue worshiping those Yankees.  Her extended family keeps her grounded and her friends keep her smiling.  

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